This past week, I have been a happy girl - going about my day to day business of work & boy & friends without much thought. Well, thats not true, entirely. But when most of my thoughts include the following: 'how to make the most space useful out of our closet', 'what handbag do I get for Fall', 'what do I need for Fall', 'what kind of tile to put in the bathroom' & 'what day does the housekeeper come again?' it doesn't make for any sort of inspired blogposts.
So, in an attempt to do something creative (other than reorganizing my closet), here I am.
Type type typing.
Fall. It may be August, and 82 degrees out, but it is Fall in zee world of fashion.
And I'm ready for it. Elle Fashion Issue beside me, new aesthetic of new job slowly but surely creeping into my fashion psyche via osmosis, and a month of working with the same dozen pieces of a my closet while staying at Jim's, I'm ready for a new season, this one being more Gainsbourg's muse and less Rebel Ballerina than ever before. Its funny; clothing to me, getting dressed in the morning has always been like a costume change in the middle of the off-Broadway production of my life: I dress for the scene.
The Rebel Ballerina was rebelling against the Ex; she was not 'like everyone else' like he wanted - she was angry and happy and romantic and guarded. Now, appropriately, with a newish job guiding my eye, and a boyfriend who celebrates my creatively & intelligence, my dress has begun to reflect that. (That and probably my obsession with Meghan on Mad Men.)
Okay, enough windbagging, here is my Wish List for Fall. (Hel-lo it's called 'Style' and SR, right?!)
1. Pants.
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate jeans. I own three pairs: one white, one high waist denim & one floral pair for kicks and giggles. I am very very very excited about Pants being on this list. I know, it sounds weird, but we're not juuuuuust taking about pants. We're talking about Pants. Capital P. I already have a pair en route from wardrobing at work; high waisted navy silk, with tiny silver polka dots. Nipped in at the ankle, slightly pleated at the waist, I want to pair them with black pumps and a silk shell. Also, I love polka dots right now.
2. According to Elle, I need a leather shift dress. Perfect. I have one I've never worn and love very much.

Enough of a numerical list, it's too much pressure.
Also, on my list:
A folio clutch.
A lady like croc-embossed Doctor's bag.
The new Cat Eye sunglasses.
Other than that, I'm focusing on finding a tile to redo the bathroom with.
And a good way to maximize space in the closet.
Rough draft of closet interior. This is what I do now. |
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