Friday, December 30, 2011

The Year of the Patio.

It is the quality of the moment, not the number of days, or events, or of actors, that imports.
+ Ralph Waldo Emerson

As the year end's, and everyonewhoisanyone is doing the 'end of the year' retrospectives I figured I'd join in on the cliche. (Just wait for my 'New Year's Resolutions' post!)

That, and I was at dinner with Goldi & Beauty the other night, our fourth addition - a sweet aquaintance of mine & a friend of their's - asked me what my 'favorite age was'. I couldn't answer the question right then, on that patio in that moment, but with further introspection I'd have to say, much to my surprise, it would be 29.
This was, in my opinion - The Best year of my life. Capital B.
I have a full & vibrant life, with people I love and who love me.

I also have a tendency to not show my face in photos, for reasons both artistic & vain, which is perfect for my little 'pseudo-anonymous' blog (though, I suspect, most of the people who read this know exactly who I am) I have compiled what are representations of some of my favorite moments of the past year.
Wine drunk on patios, running the beach in caftans, girl's dinners, flowers in our hair, lunches and vintage shopping, lazy Sundays with the xx blaring - These are the moments that have come to define my 2011.

My first taste of liberation: Girl's Night.

the Classy Pact.

Jimmy Rigged: Goldi in Sunlight set to music.

Falling in Love for the Weekend.

My Tiny Town Celebrates.
We celebrate from Rooftops.
Further Proof of my Accent Adoration.

The Real Deal.

Independence Day.

Leaving Planet BIOHF3W

in the City, at the Doctor's.

Bowling: Fail.

Parisian kisses at the Poor Man's Melrose.
Bijou Bijou.
Neighborly adoration on a well worn patio.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Which Goldilocks said, 'This Chair is Juuust Right.'

Goldi & I have a Hummus + Wine date tonight.
But! Our motive is not to gorge ourselves on chickpea delicacies and fine Two Buck Chuck.
We are redecorating her apartment.
(Or, perhaps, just decorating it - as it wasn't really decorated before...) We're on a budget, and trying to be creative; so withoutfurtherado, here is some of the pictures I have collected to get us inspired.
Update: So with a quick trip to our favorite boutique Blue Windows (click here for their facebook page) where we purchased 2 maps (one of Europe & one of Italy) at $4.50 each & a collection of poloroid cards (20 different photos for $15.00) we transformed what used to be a mish mosh living room of Ikea and parental hand-me-downs into a world traveler's refuge, complete with a wine bar.
I love the idea of a bar (even if it's just for wine)
and think that the National Geographics are a
great way to add a pop of color.
Update: This idea was used!
Ended up being a great way to
spruce up an otherwise boring bookshelf.

Eclectic and unorganized yet, reeeeefined.
 (Said with hoity toity accent.)
Update: This was our inspiration for the map idea.

More my style, but I love 'found' objects
paired with books, etc.

This can be replicated so inexpensively! Love!

Can I? Can I? Yes!

(This one's for me!)
I'm a sucker for succulents!

This is so easy it's almost slutty.
Update: Goldi said this 'creeped her out'.

Mirror, mirror on the wall!!!

I gravitate towards yellow like...

I would love this for a centerpeice.

I adore the way they hung the pictures.
Thinking this would look pretty with maps as well.
Update: This is how we hung the maps we bought!

Goldi's a bit girlier than I am; thought this was sweet for her.

Again, so fucking easy.

Okay, next I'm sooo doing my house.

Behold! Our Poloroid Garland.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

(Spare)Change; Or, the Rambling Hypocrisies of Saturn.

Not my natural state.
Anger is not an emotion I feel very often.
It takes a whole hellava lot to make me angry.

Hurt feelings? Yes, my feelings can be hurt.
Logical? I hope so.
Annoyed? Yeah, that happens too.
Sad? Check.
Positive? I really fucking think so.
Despondent? Been there.
Happy, thankful, indifferent, catty. Yep yep yep.
I can be all of those things in a matter of five minutes.

But anger? Anger is a rarity.

This weekend, I was overcome by Anger. Capital A. The kind the weighs on your chest, messes with your temperament; the kind that puts a bad taste in your mouth & and tears in your eyes. The kind that makes one go,
That's it.
I'm done.
And, I was done. Done with Apt F's nonsense. Knowing I am too smart to stand by and waste time with someone who is, for lack of a better description:
A Selfish ManChild.
Actually, no - that's a pretty accurate description.
Yet again, his actions over the weekend showed such a level of... disregard for me.
Without him even realizing that what he had done was, in fact, and act of disrespect. I won't go into particulars - he didn't cheat, lie or steal - he simply just acted. But it was such a reflection of his own short sightedness, his own shortcomings and boy, was I Angry. To the point of private tears, to the point of public tears. Simply: Done. He didn't know it, though I suspect that he wasn't surprised.

Upon arriving home, I got off the plane, walked for what felt like a mile to the baggage claim and saw him standing there, hands in his pockets, smirk on his face. I greeted him with a cold hug & half a smile.
He hugged me back & looked me in the eye & said,
You know, I do. I do love you.
I stop. I look at him - this floppy, burnt out man-child and say,
Don't even start. I am so mad at you right now, I cannot even have that conversation.
He looks at me dumbfounded, grabs my DVF luggage and we start walking to the car. His holiday was terrible, I know. Between car trouble & stepmother trouble, and from what I've come to gather, an overwhelming sense of loneliness & failure; he did not have a very merry Christmas.

And, he missed me.

One look at him and I wasn't angry anymore.
Just... Disappointed.

There is an older woman who parks herself outside my shop on the bench everyday - hair dyed an unflattering matte black and lips cracked with cheap ruby red lipstick.
She sits there for about an hour, on her break, smoking her extra long Virginia Slims, everyday. Turning into her is my worst fear; she exudes a sort of bitterness that permeates the air around her like her cigarette smoke.
We don't talk all that much.
Today, on that same bench, my girlfriend from the next shop over was sitting next to her & I went out to join them. My girlfriend asks how my boooooooooooooyfriend is, and I give her the abridged version of how upset I was with him this weekend. The older woman, swathed in oversize black everything and sucking on her cigarette interrupts us, squints at me and says,
You know... They never change. I say get out now.
And although her advice was given unwarranted, I know she's right.
He's not going to change. Unless it's by his own volition.

All Mixed up.

So, when I was breaking up with him, I said - very clearly - that I was not asking him to change; but instead, simply not going to put up with such behaviors. Patterns of behavior that not only make me feel angry, but also stupid for being in a relationship with someone who has so much growing up to do. That, yet again, he has acted with total disregard to how his behaviors will affect those around him, those who love him.

God, I'm such a hypocrite. Of course I'm asking him to change. I need him to change. And, by all accounts he does want to change; not for me, but for himself. He knows that he acts like an idiot sometimes. He knows that that was why his last relationship failed. And he knows that at his age, he shouldn't be doing such stupid things. And he is sad for it, mad at himself for it. At thirty six and a half, he is going through the male equivalent of what I have been working so hard on the past year or so.
While I was attempting to break it off, I asked him if he though he was depressed, and he replied with a no. But then he countered with,
Do you think I am depressed?
I said no, but followed it by,
I do think that you have low self esteem, a low sense of self worth, because of what you have been through the past couple years (major break up, major financial loss, major job loss) and that you beat yourself up about it. And you shouldn't.
His response? He agreed.
That and, he did not let me break up with him. He fought me, tooth & nail.
And I, in all honesty, couldn't do it. Not now, at least. I'm in such a precarious position, where so much he does drives me batty but then there is so much Good about him; he is intelligent, he is sweet, and he is... Many many wonderful things. 
The conversation then lead to bigger issues, regarding marriage and kids (the first real Future Talk conversation we've ever had). And regarding the fact that I am - at this point in my life - unsure about my desire for either. To which he said he could change his own goals in life, of marriage and fatherhood, because he wanted to be with me. I responded, eyes rolling,
You are only saying that, because truthfully, you don't see a future for us.
Needless to say, I was fishing for something... A yes? A no? Both? He explained that that was not the case, that he did see a future with me, and that is why he would be willing to change his own expectations to better suit my own, because he does... Or, wants to work towards one.

Still, I took the word 'Love' off the table that night.

I'm going to be honest, I don't know what to do about him. When I am with him, I adore his presence. When I am with him, I will pretty much do anything for him. Yes, I get annoyed at him, angry even, and sometimes feel taken for granted. But given what he is struggling with, I excuse it. Should I? He is doing the best he can, I'm doing the best I can. We're all doing the fucking Best We Can. And striving to do better.
I don't know what to do about him; I care very deeply for him, for whats going on behind his dark blue puppy dog eyes. But in the same breath, I feel like I can do better...? Or, perhaps I just want a better version of him? When did I become this girl? I know I don't want to build a Man, like I did for so long with my Ex, but at the same time - that's exactly what I am doing. I found myself last night asking him if when he was more financially secure, if he would let me take him to get some newer, less thread-bare clothes. New shoes. He agreed. Is it simply in my nature to find men I want to fix? To build? Is it an extension of my own insecurities? Am I threatened by the a man who doesn't need me to tell him the difference between Tylenol and Advil? To teach him how to preheat the oven? I was constantly doubting myself around the Aussie, a man that - although he didn't have everything in life figured out - at 31, seemed to walk the world with a shocking amount of self-assuredness. As did my Dutchman.
They didn't need me in the way I am so used to being needed.

I guess what I'm saying is, Apt F needs me.

Regardless, at this moment in time - with all the changes going on around me - and being back home, and feeling more grounded than I was leading up to the holidays; I am not ready to make a change. Not ready to be without him. I kind of need him too. And not just someone, I need Him.
I'm a bit confused; confused by the comfort and the friendship and the relationship as a whole.
I am content and yet I am confused.

Needless to say, I'm just not ready to make a final decision on 'Us'.
And, I don't need to, not yet at least.
Not yet.

Homecoming Weekend.

I wish I could stay right here, I thought to myself while flying somewhere over Modesto last night, on my return flight home from the holiday weekend.
Suspended in between the complexities of my hometown and the complexities of what I am returning home to.

I used to have the same sensation sometimes driving home when I lived with my Ex, when things were really bad. Right around our breakup and right around the halfway mark on my commute home on PCH, I would pray that even though I was still stepping on the gas pedal that the car would just stay suspended in motion; driving but never really reaching it's destination. Slow motion.
In that plane last night, after an exhausting trip home I realized what I was going home to - a job ending, the unknown, the unfamiliar and a boyfriend that I was pretty Goddamn mad at; a boyfriend I was going to break up with.
Couldn't I just stay suspended, in air, just for a little bit longer? I prayed.
Funny thing, I've always been afraid of flying; the take off has always sent me over the edge. I'm the stranger that grabs ahold of whom ever's hand is next to her.
But this trip, on the way there & the way back I was sans nerves; I was saying to myself over and over,
Nothing that you worry about is ever as bad as it seems.
Nothing that you worry about is ever as bad as it seems.
Nothing that you worry about is ever as bad as it seems.
But high in the air last night, with the dreaded Arika sitting only rows behind me, like I was in some sort of weird dream - I most certainly was not thinking nothing is as bad as it seems.
I was wishing for time to slow, slow slow slow to a crawl.
For time to stop.
Stop altogether.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oh The Places You'll Go.

Leaving my bubble is weird.
I love how beautiful it is in Northern California, but it really hasn't been my Home for a long time.
It's nice to be here, to visit, to see those I love, but I have been here less than 24 hours and I already feel...
Out of place. 
And I thought Saturn was in Outerspace.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dear Santa, (I Should Sign This Love, 'Veruca Salt')

I want to start a book club.

I want, for my 30th, to take all my friends out for sushi + dancing,
& at the end, thank them all and say,
'This one's on me.'
I want an excuse to put on heels. A good excuse.*
*Like, a book club.

I want everyone to know that if your heels are a bit too big, if you spray hairspray in them right before you stick in your foot, it'll help keep 'em on.

I secretly want to be prettier than every one of my ex's ex's.

I want someone to post a 'Missed Connection' about me on Craigslist.*
*Not that I would respond, I'd just be flattered.

I would like an invitation the next time these people throw a party.

I want everyone I've ever said mean things to to know I'm sorry.
Except for my nemesis at Rite Aid. 

I want Sunday Brunch to never go out of fashion.

I really want to know who's reading these.

I want you to know that the above made me laugh.
Out loud.

I want to be successful at my next job.

But seriously, I want to start a book club.

P.S. I forgive you for never getting around to magically turning my bedroom into an 'Everything Barbie' room. I understand that that was asking for a lot to happen in one night. And I imagine the hot pink 'Barbie' wallpaper would've been a real bitch to get off later.

Mirror, Mirror. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Do you ever feel like when you have a boyfriend, you get uglier? My earthy, hipster Littlest Sister asked me this morning.
I agreed, enthusiastically. She is home from Grad School and in a long distance relationship.
Yeah, she continued, I've been with my boyfriend for a week straight, and when I got into California I was skinny, my highlights looked amazing, and my skin was clear. Now, I've put on weight, my roots came in and his beard is making me break out.
The mirror did not give me
the answer I wanted.
F U MirrorMirror.
I replied, referring to the fact that I will be in Family Land for the holiday weekend,
Yes! Just this morning I was looking in the mirror thinking,
Those bitches better not plan on taking photographs.*
*We are nothing if not a vain trio of sisters.

With my jeans a bit snug, my skin snow white & stress level up to eleven, I looked in the mirror, mirror on the wall (or up against it) this morning,
and though I was never the fairest of them all, 
I saw a very very Blaaaaahhhh girl staring back at me. 
Aaaaand, it hit me.

I have a serious case of the Boyfriend Blahs.

Nowdon'tgetmewrong, Apt F is... Fine. He's caring and sweet, and very stressed out. And it's not like my life has changed too much since we got together other than having him sleeping next to me everysinglenight.
I still schmooze on patios with my girlfriends, have whole days spent carousing with my friends, and basically do my own thing (or at least the 'winterized version' of it), but I am... for lack of a better word: Bored. Capital B.
I care about him (a lot about him), we're friends, I like his company, and all that...
I think he's bored too. I mean, we're both pretty even keeled people, both a balance of introvert and extrovert, both smart, both broke. And maybe it's just contentment, or maybe we both have too much going on in our stressful little hand-to-mouth lives for any excitement; so when we are together we can just decompress. (Actually, I think that's exactly how he sees it.)
We don't fight, we get along great but we don't have Electricity.
I may not want Drama, per se...
But is Excitement too much to ask for?
We're like that light switch you always keep on, but only because you don't know what it's actually a switch for. And I know, I know (Bijou, I'm talking to you) that it's not always going to be Like the Commercials, but what the hell happened to my f'ing Paper Planes?!? My Windmills?
I am finding that I am missing dating, missing the possibility of Electricity.
The Spark!
Missing! Sparkle.
Reward if Found.
I don't feel like I Sparkle any more. I'm stressed and feel puffy, and I don't have the excitement of singledom to distract me. Instead, I have a boyfriend who is stressed out & puffy too. That, and we don't have a ton to tallk about; as we have moved passed telling eachother the anecdotes of our lives and now interact with eachother like a somewhat bored married couple. Going through the motions, taking the motions for granted. And Apt F may be content with us, and he is more stable than he was at our start, but the reality is, we both have gotten a bit complacent and kind of stagnant. That whole 'progressing forward as a couple' thing... If this is that, I don't know if that is what I want.
Gone are the 'You're brilliants' & the 'You're beautifuls'.
Now, it's all 'What do you want to do for dinner?' or 'Do you have any cash?'

Part of me suspects he feels the same way, content & willing to be as such through the holidays and then...?

I don't know; I want more.
But you know me, I want it all:
I want to be the belle of the ball,
the fairest of them all,
the Prince not the pauper.