Leather shorts? You bought leather shorts?! When are you ever going to wear leather shorts?
I thought about it, and responded, Um, probably tomorrow.Thank you Buffalo Exchange Gods.
(Yes, I bought tan suede Maggie Ward sample shorts with the tag still on for $24. Be jealous.)
So forget what I said about not paying attention to trends last week, or the week before... I guess something subconsciously was stirred in me, & all of the sudden I've been noticing certain trends and all that yaddayadda that I must have. Although, I warn you, I could be two years behind because I haven't been paying attention to what other people are wearing outside of my shop, but hell! Fashion is cyclical so let's just preeeetend I'm three years ahead of the game, okay?
Catch up, sistas. Catch up.
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I'm surprised I'm not wearing it right now. Anyhow, I'm rambling. What am I talking - er typing about...? Oh! This whole post started because I saw the Man Repeller talking about pajama shirts and I decided I must have one! TODAY! I neeeeeed a pajama shirt. (To wear, obviously, with my leather shorts and denim shirt.) Maybe even - gasp - pajama shorts. (Not sure about that one, but I figure if I can 'do' leather shorts, why the fuck couldn't I 'do' satin? Eh, we'll see.)
So I am coveting a pajama shirt (this may have something to do with the fact that it is 10:33 AM on a Monday, and I have yet to get up, but perhaps not...) while hating anything denim on my bottom half and still wearing boots with everything. Okay, so not much has changed. Yesterday, after a near panicked me couldn't find 'My Leggings' yesterday while getting ready for the Superbowl party I was accompanying Apartment F to, I opted for a pair of black ponte pants, ancient white silk tank with teensy tiny anchors on it, surprise! my denim shirt and knee high equestrian boots instead, and he looked at me and said, 'Boots? Its beautiful out.' And I responded with something to the effect of, 'Well I don't care if it feels like Summer - It's February! It's Winter!' You see, he wanted me to wear sandals and these light wash flared jeans that - I admit - make my ass look fantastic - but, they are not seasonally appropriate just yet, aaaaaaaaaaaand you know how I feel about jeans these days. I met him somewhere in the middle, I guess;somewhere between it's so ugly, it's awesome and you look really nice. It's funny, what I'll wear on a 'Me' day, going about my own business, does have to be tweaked just a bit (subdued?) when it comes to dressing as 'someone's girlfriend'.
But just a bit.
In my brain, it sounds something like,
'Okay, okaaayyy... Let me take off my 'Single' lace shorts & opaque tights and put on my 'Girlfriend' pants instead.'But, my Girlfriend Pants are not a pair of flares in February. Though, to be fair, they wooooould look cute with a pajama shirt, now that I think about it.
But that'll have to wait 'til March.
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Damn Straight I'm wearing boots. (I wore them all summer too.) |
Then, I'm off to help host a Private Shopping Party in Newport.
Sidenote: With my Girlfriend Pants still on, I must admit that my Hot Corn Dip was a huge hit at the Superbowl Party. If you need an easy, delish & different recipe for a pot luck or something akin to a Superbowl Party, try this recipe. I baked it, and was concerned about reheating it when I got there, but it stayed warm enough for a long time, and even once it cooled down, it was still yummy. Also, I added onions and taco seasoning. Damn, I'm so domesticated.
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