Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Please Direct Me to the "In Between" Table?

 Adults are just big kids who owe money.
-Words of wisdom a la My Dad.
The Kids Table.

Oddly, at 29 years old, I still find myself referring to grown ups or adults. And as we all know - I am finally feeling almost like a grown up myself... but those words, that Us kids, and Them the grown ups, mentality is still there. Now, mind you, at age 19 the grown-ups were anyone over, say, 25. But now, the grown ups are anyone over like 38... Quite the sliding scale of Adulthood, really. It's just funny, how the older you get, or at least the older I get, with all the wiseness I have gained from my experiences - wise may be a stretch, I'll go with perspective - I still feel like a kid. I feel as though I'm toeing the line between the Kids' Table and the Grown Ups'. I sometimes wonder, when at a restaurant with a group of friends, whose ages can range from 23 to 35 or older, if people are looking at us thinking we're adults. A 19 year old joined us for dinner over the weekend (friend of a friend), and I remember thinking, "He probably thinks we're so old." I remember what I'm Twenty Nine sounded like at 19. God, I remember what Twenty Four sounded like. I still am shocked that I will be 30 in less than a year. Its funny, I dress like a kid; I sometimes wonder what people think I do for a living that see me during my daily routine in the mornings, dressed in odd outfits, with too much jewelry on. I mean I'm definitely no receptionist, thats for sure.
Last night, during a marathon Hummus + Wine (sans hummus, but with couscous), Goldi referred to, I think it was her parents, as Grown Ups. We laughed, because well, we are too. Sorta.
Someone asked me this morning what I was doing for the Fourth, and my response included the phrase, his parents are out of town, so... "He" is 34.
The Kids Table?
I can sit quite comfortably at the Grown Ups' Table, believe me - and talk about Santa Barbara vineyards and whether or not something needs more horseradish. Talk about life's experiences, and be bored with talk of the economy. I am happy sitting at the Kids' Table - with girlfriends gossiping and laughing like hyenas at the stupidest things.
But I'll tell you, as odd as it sounds - sitting at a Wine Bar over the weekend, with Goldi & Beauty, playing a game of "What Would You Name Me?" (I was both a 'Mary' and a 'Veronica') with a bunch of tattoo artists, I felt a little bit like we were sitting at the Somewhere in Between Table.
The Saturn's Return Table.
& I'm okay with that.

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