Monday, October 31, 2011

I'll Take Some Cheesecake With My Whine As Well.

Sometimes when I reread my writing,
I get seriously annoyed with how totally black & white I am.

I'm either tightly holding back or barely hanging on.
I'm either flippantly annoyed or eternally grateful.
I'm either screaming from the rafters, I don't eeeeeven want a boyfriend!
or I'm warbling, Why don't I have a boyfriend?
I'm one half Wild Child and the other half Smug Princess.
I'm either the Center of Attention or pouting because No Body Loves Me.
I drink cheap ass wine at home but double digit by the glass on a dinner date.

I want my Cake, my fucking marzipan frosted triple tiered Cake, but then a day later I'm reminding you that I don't even like Cake, let alone wanting to eat it too.*
*Obviously a metaphor as I actually love Cake.
I am Happy or I am Sad.
I am Compassionate & I am Selfish.
I am a mishmosh of contradictions eloquently written into a cohesive sentence.
I am Special and Unique yet I am Just Like Everyone Else... Right?!?
I'm afraid to ask... Will I ever just settle into a comfortable grey area?

Probably not. But I figured I'd ask.

Would You Like Some Cheese With Your Whine?

Goldi ordered a glass of champagne at a sports bar on Saturday.
It arrived in a chardonnay glass.
On my second drink, I asked our waitress - a sloppily put together version of Princess Leia,
I'd like a glass of champagne too, but do you have splits? No? Oh, well... Can I have mine in an actual champagne glass then?
She explained that they didn't have any champagne glasses at the moment, so I agreed
-sigh- to take my bubbly in a chardonnay glass as well. Goldi and I exchanged a Look.
Goldi's second drink, & she politely asks the waitress if they had any clean champagne glasses yet.
Still no.
What kind of restaurant is this?!?

"Can you believe they didn't even have Vueve?"

Finally the waitress came over, waving an empty champagne glass and leaned in,
This is why we don't use the champagne glasses, she explained - tapping on the cloudy watermarked flute.
They're plastic, and as you see... Cloudy.
That shut us up realquick.
But as she walked away, Goldi & I laughed,
Oh good Lord, we are high maintenance. 
You see, I can get ready for a date in less than an hour - showered, shaved, primped and plucked, the whole shebang. I can usually pick out an outfit without trying seventeen on beforehand. I do my own manicures. I do my own pedicures. Hell, I even cut my own hair sometimes. (Just a small trim.) I don't wear push up bras, I don't spray tan (though sometimes I'll use the rub on stuff). I dye my hair my natural color only to cover the family of grays that has taken up residence on & around my right temple. I am ridiculously cheap when it comes to well... anything & everything other than patios & brunches.
But you know what? All this aside, I'm really fucking High Maintenance.
I want champagne in champagne flutes. I want steak dinners, I want flowers sent, I want nice bottles of Pinot. I want adoration, I want compliments. I expect to be treated like a lady. I want doors opened, I want drinks bought. I want beautiful men, smart men. I want a cultured man in a Hugo Boss suit to woo me.
To court me. Is this too much to ask!?
When I am being seated at a restaurant, I am notorious for pointing to another (far superior) table and requesting,
Can we sit there instead?
I've come to realize, being high maintenance isn't about looking like a cast member of the Real Housewives of New Jersey; its way more than that. It's a general mindset. And honestly, I don't know where I got the  mindset from - maybe my mother? But its there.
Now, I understand that the phrase 'high maintenance' has some negative associations, but that's not how I choose to use it. I am not stomping my foot, huffing and puffing while screaming, "Give me Tiffany's or give me nothing at all!" I'm not on the hunt for a Sugar Daddy to replace my Dolce Vita pumps with the Louboutins they're knocking off.
But... If I'm being honest....
When my Australian took me out on my twenty-ninth birthday, he first sent flowers to the shop. He ordered a verrrrrrrrrrry expensive bottle of Pinot Noir off the extensive wine list. We went to one of the nicest restaurants in the city. I loved every minute of it; & at one point during the night I said to him,
'If I wasn't one of half of Us, I'd hate Us...'
To which he enthusiastically agreed.
My heart aches a little for that Australian boy.
My heart longs for that Dutch one, too.
I really miss being Wined & Dined in a restaurant lit by The Spark.
Is that too much to ask?
No, but it has started to seem as though I have stopped asking.
Why can't I just meet a nice boy in
a Starbucks like everybody else?
I just keep wondering why in God's name have I taken up with someone who... is none of the above?!? Someone who does adore me, but in every other possible way is not not not NOT what I am looking for? And while I am not yet ready to rid myself of the relationship (or nonrelationship), I need to take a few steps back... or ten steps back. I haven't gone on a proper date in over a month, I have no inspiration for this little blog of mine - but I am content, I guess. Not capital C. And going back to what I have said before, maybe its just that I am not ready for a full blown Boyfriend, and the little high maintenance me is just keeping Apt F to maintain a certain level of  'someone loves me-ness'. I do care for him too, though he makes me roll my eyes & complain to my girlfriends that he is smelly & won't stop texting me with dorky little phrases that sound more like they are being sent by Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air than a thirty six year old man. (My attempt at classic conditioning: every time he texts me with something akin to 'You go girl' or 'Stay sexy hot-stuff' I don't respond.) Sometimes I feel as though I have been dating him for years. We skipped the courting and went straight to comfortable faux-cohabitating. And I feel like I am settling. Because I am. And, if I am being honest - there are a lot of things about Apt F that remind me of the Ex. Some good, some not so good.
A girlfriend of mine was in the shop venting not long ago about her own mail-order Brit boy who was driving her crazy on his extended stay, which led me to vent about my neighbor who also seems to be on extended stay... She looked at me, threw her hands up in the air and said,
I just want to date someone successful for once!
To which I responded, But I usually do! So what the hell am I doing with my neighbor?!
Last night, he referred to our relationship as 'Casual'.
Which allowed me a sigh of relief; however, he then went on to say,
'But, if we're still... (pause)... hanging out a year from now...'
I was away for most of the weekend - so I did not see him for two days. It was refreshing; and although one thing I like about our 'relationship' is that it doesn't take time away from my 'real' social life - but when I got back he told me that he had missed me and that he found that frightening. It frightens me too; only because I don't want him to get too invested in 'Us' because there really isn't an 'Us'.
Not in the way that there was an Australian 'Us', or a Dutchman 'Us'... or even a B---- 'Us'.
The truth is, I am way too High Maintenance for him & I to ever be able to maintain Us.
Yet there I go, marching up the stairs night after night.

Sidenotes: This is bad, considering how absolutelyfuckingterrible I am at break offs. But this past weekend was a good one - Beauty and Goldi & I had a raucous good time in LA. Halloween weekend was yet another wonderful (and spirited) weekend with my girlfriends. It was the first melding of Goldi's world with the Doctor's and it went... Hilariously.
Also, now that summer is over & our town has calmed down, I haven't been hiding out as much. I haven't had a weekend in a long time where I woke up Monday thinking to myself, "Oh God, well we can't go back there for a year" in a very very long time.
Also, I loved my Halloween costume. Its was a ballerina kind of like this, but I wore a hair peice that gave me a dramatic yet natural looking high bun.

I felt pretty & elegant.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Case of the Mondays.

And the Tuesdays.
And the Wednesdays.
And the Thursdays.
You get the idea.

(Okay to be fair, it's almost never Mondays.)

night after night, we march.
 I've been plagued the past week by total and utter unmotivation. Why? Because I have been lulled into a nonrelationship Relationship with Apt F. We had a conversation this past Sunday about us both liking 'the way things are the way they are' - which to be honest, is true. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend, there is very little 'checking in' with one another, and he doesn't get in the way of me spending time with my beloved girlfriends. Ever.
Yet night after night, one of us marches up - or down - the staircase & we somehow end up together. This has been the case since right around the time I sprained my ankle - which will be two weeks tomorrow. Literally, he has been in my apartment near everyday for two weeks. And, to be fair, I still have an eye out for someone else who 'fits' better what I am looking for; yet, I don't have a ton of motivation to actually find them because - well, for one - I have a near perfect nonrelationship that asks very little of me other than to just be myself, and second, I don't know if I really want more than that. Apt F & I watch movies, he allows me control over the remote; we talk about our days, our friends, & our past experiences.
Apt F is kind & caring, and he and I make great friends; honestly, he may be the only person I have ever (not)dated that I have ever actually been Friends with, Capital F.
I mean forGodsakes, when I woke up at 1 am Tuesday night with near-projectile vomiting in my tiny little room with a kitchen attached (and a small bathroom situated less than twelve feet from my bed) not only did I wake him up & worry him, he cared for me that night & the following night as well. Oh! The glamour!
Kat Moss favors him to me. Though to be fair to her, after I expressed this to them both, I woke up in the middle of the night to find her sleeping not on him, but neatly in between us - as we were back to back & was she nestled in the crux between us two.
My feelings for him... I feel like I have been with him forever. He has seen me in gray sweatpants, he has seen me post-puke, and he has seen me in the morning post-puke & still wearing gray sweatpants.
I have had several very attractive men email me (as I am back online dating) but have I responded? No.
Is this because I truly care for Apt F?
Or because it is easy & effortless with him?
Or is that how it is supposed to be?
Or am I lulled into easy & effortless because I don't want anything that demands anything else of me right now?
Do I see myself with him in the future? No.
Would it be the worst thing? No. But it isn't what I see for myself.

I guess my quest for the Spark, and my quest for whatever else it is I don't know that I am looking for has been temporarily put on pause while Apt F has taken up temporary residence in Apt C.

What are we doing? has never been asked. And I doubt it ever will be.
But, how long can We do this for?

Sidesnotes: I found my Halloween costume. And it is quite the Rebel Ballerina ifyaknowhatImean.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Life.

I was sitting outside my apartment with my Neighbor the other day cozied up in a white knit cap, black leather jacket and a ballerina pink cashmere sweater, and the narcissist in me thought to myself;
Oh my God, I am dressed exactly like Kirsten Dunst would be if she was playing me in the movie about a girl who is dating her neighbor in the Fall at the beach.
(Basically, in the movie about my life.)
My family used to play that game at dinner table. But these days, my life doesn't feel like a film...
It feels as though my life - and this little project - plays out like a tv series.
Obviously the story of my Dutchman would be aired during sweeps.

Announcer: Next week on Style & Saturn Return!

Followed by a series of glossy teasers:

Just, yaknow, bloggin'.
First shot: Me cross-legged on my bed, in reallyfreakingcute pajamas, my face illuminated by the glow of the computer screen, typing away.

Voiceover: He was the first person I wanted to call.
Cut to: Quick yet panicked shot of me tumbling over myself in a packed restaurant, with Goldi's voice in the background asking, Do you want me to call you neighbor?
Voiceover: And the last person I wanted call.
Followed by my voice, tearful saying, I need your help, over a shot of  Apt F carrying me into my apartment.
Voiceover: And the person I did call.

Cut to: Goldi, Beauty & me, dressed to the nines, squished in the back of a sparkling white sports car singing along with an old school rap song at the top of our lungs, nighttime and neon signs flickering past in the windows.
The Girls go out on the town!

Cut to: Misty nighttime shot of Bijou and I smoking on that familiar restaurant patio.
We are so carefree!
Bijou: Sometimes I think I'm just using him because I had nothing to fall back on.

Best friends commiserating!

Cut to: Sitting at table in a busy candlelit sushi restaurant with Goldi & Beauty.
Beauty is staring at me - wide eyed and frozen faced, & says,
Oh God. Don't move.
Me: What?! Is there a bug in my hair?!
As I brush my head frantically, and start to look behind me, the camera pans to a view of my Ex & his new girlfriend side by side in a table over my shoulder and you hear Beauty say, He is sitting behind you.
Oh the drama! Tune in to see what happens!

We attempted to be incognito.
Cut to: Apt F laying next to me in Apt C with the tv on in the background: I've been thinking about it, and I do want to take you out. Do things right, like on a real date.

Cut to: Me, walking - more like limping - down a nondescript yet busy street in a cozy sweater and moto boots, barking into my phone: Ugh! He's not my boyfriend!
I imagine there is a flower shop behind me, and perhaps a man leaning against a wall reading a paper.

Dramatic Ending Voiceover - as the camera pans over Apt F and I laying, intertwined watching tv in my apartment:  I am not Goldilocks. I am content with the porridge that is too cold; I am content with the bed that is too hard. Or maybe I'm just not that hungry; maybe I'm not really looking for somewhere to rest just yet.

Followed by, And now, your local news.
Maybe, just maybe... I've been watching too much tv lately.

Sidenotes: Now I am trying to figure out who would play the population of Saturn in my television series... I'd cast Dax Shepard as my quirky, trying to get his act together neighbor in Apt F, for one.

And yes, I did see my Ex last night out with his girlfriend. And just like the first time I saw him, I wasn't surprised. As I was waiting for my girlfriends to pick me up last night, I thought to myself, 'Well, it is his birthday tomorrow & we are going to his favorite celebratory restaurant... I wonder if he'll be there.' Lo & behold! He is nothing if not predictable.
I can't believe it, but today is his thirtieth birthday. We met when we were 23. And you know, I wasn't upset seeing him, I am hopeful for him & truly hope that he is happy. But still, I can't believe he's thirty. Also, it helps that I am waaaaaaaaaaaay prettier than his new girlfriend.
(Or, at least, that's what my friends tell me.)

And... Kat Moss (with the help of some Pinot Grigio) may have strong-pawed me into texting him Happy Birthday. Oops.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Saturn is Not a Lonely Planet.

from the sartorialist.
Language has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone.
And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone.
-Paul Tillich (German theologian & philosopher.)
I think I have finally learned how to enjoy solitude. It helps to have something to look forward to later in the day or week, don't get me wrong, but I have come to really enjoy putzing around allbymyself.
Ordering Hawaiian pizza, just because I can.
Being in control of washing my own dishes on my own time & in charge of my own remote control.
I like being with myself; just me, my thoughts, & old 90210 reruns.
You may say that language has created another word for it - Contentment.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Got Moves Like Jagger.

If someone really likes you, they'll be ready for a relationship.
If two people have chemistry, then the only other important factor is timing.
I only want what I cannot have.
I know nothing.
I just don't see you as my wife any more.
He's  just not ready for a relationship.
Stop fighting it.
He likes me too much.
You're too far away.
Maybe I don't see myself as a wife anymore.
He doesn't 'fit' what I'm looking for.
I am enjoying being single too much to lower my standards.
I always get what I want.
I'm starting to think it's me who is the Unavailable One.
I'm the one whose timing is off.
Maybe I'm the one who is not ready for a relationship.
Perhaps... I subconciously go after those I cannot have because I don't really want a relationship in the first place. Not a real one, at least. Not right now. Not one where I am then held even partially responsible for someone else's happiness, let alone allowing someone else in enough to make a marionette of my own heartstrings & have even a modicum of control over my happiness. Not one where I have to let down my guard. Why the hell is my guard up anyway? Is it that I don't want to let anyone in enough to know me; to hurt me? I hated that feeling of anxiety and vulnerability with the Australian, and it was nearly unbearable with my Dutchman. I have been comfortable for a long time now with the relationships that are based on a level of 'this may be real, but it will never be Real'. I'm starting to believe that by going after the boys off-limits, the wanderlusts, the foreigners and the I-Forgot-To-Call-ers is really me just projecting my own unavailable-ness onto my own love life. I'm afraid that it's not that I can't get no satisfaction because I'm going after the Mick Jaggers and trying to conquer them, but because I am the unconquerable Mick Jagger.
Wild Horses.
We'll ride them someday.
I was comfortable with the fact that that mysterious Englishman once referred to me as 'The Pretty Girl Who Comes Over Drinks My Wine & Eats my Good Cheese.' That was a title I could live with. & as much as I bitched and moaned that I wanted more, I knew deep down somewhere I was never going to get more. The man who told me point blank 'I'm not ready for a relationship' - I liked him; I had fun with him. But I also knew that spending time with him, though it would make me feel nice & cared about to a certain degree; it would never ask from me any level of vulnerability. Part of me, when he said that, let out a little sigh of relief. And I knew that if I asked more of it or of him, that that safe little neverrealinthefirstplace relationship would cease to exist altogether. And part of me was okay with that. So I didn't.
Maybe I get involved with this sort of man because - maybe, just maybe - at this point in my life, that's all I really want. Or am capable of handling. Something that allows me to get a little lost in It but never so lost that I feel like I am sacrificing a piece of myself to it. I mean, I want The Spark, I love my Dutchman, I was head over heels for my Aussie & my Secret Ex Boyfriend... but still, something about all three of them was
Just Out Of Reach. And I knew it.
Or maybe, like we all tell each other so often - maybe when the right person comes along, I will be ready.
Or the when the timing is right.
But what if my failed relationship with my Ex has put my ability to allow myself to be vulnerable on pause? Or it stopped it all together. I'm not sure. I mean, I'm not sure of anything really. But when that wave of emotional anxiety about someone washes over me, I usually throw up my hands and go,
Oh hell no, I didn't sign up for this shit.
Don't you dare ask me to be vulnerable, my heart and head scream in unison. I do not deal well with vulnerability.

Don't show me yours because I won't show you mine.
I did not want to call Apt F when I fell, because I - and I told him this - didn't want him to see me so vulnerable. I didn't want his help; him to see me with mascara running down my cheeks. I didn't want him to be the one to help me to the doorway of the bathroom, which I needed him to do. I am fighting these feelings with my neighbor;
I am fighting them hard. And I don't know why. He's not up to my standards? He's not It? I do have Feelings for him, but I only admit that through gritted teeth & a clenched jaw. I've often made the joke that I'm kind of a Dude when it comes to dating; I can not call back, I can dismiss the masses pretty easily, I am almost better suited to casual dating than full on Let's Fall In Love situations. I am hard headed & I am stubborn. Someone I was dating just stopped calling, I just kept right on with my life, without an afterthought - & when Goldi asked me if I was even curious about why he stopped calling when things seemed to be going so well, I answered without pause, 'No. Not really.' Then there's the muriad of jerky things that I've said to Apt F, ranging from 'I don't want to go out on the town with you because I don't want to have to explain who you are to people' to 'Oh no, I'm not his girlfriend, I'm just his neighbor' to his friend within his earshot. And more that I probably don't even remember saying. But I made it very clear up until last weekend that this was nothing more than neighbors who occasionally kiss; without even realizing how crystal clear I was making it. And I've felt him letting his guard down; his behaviors have changed.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. I know I am a bundle of contradictions; I am happy with my life, I have these extremley high standards set it motion for myself, I have great friends, men fall for me with ease, I want what I can't have yaddayaddayadda. I have a tell-all blog forgodsakes, yet I am almost totally emotionally closed off.
What the hell is my problem?
it's a bird!? it's a plane!?
aaw, who the hell really knows.
The other night, my neighbor fell asleep early & I didn't hear from him. And I sat in bed, anxious, watching the TV screen flicker, thinking to myself,
I did not sign up for this shit. You are not supposed to be able make me feel this way,
All the while listening for a car door slamming or any other indiciation that he was getting home.

I am not Goldilocks.
I am content with the porridge that is too cold; I am content with the bed that is too hard.
Or maybe I'm just not that hungry; Maybe I'm not really looking for somewhere to rest just yet.
Or perhaps I just haven't found Juuuust Right just yet.
Or maybe Juuuust Right left on a jet plane one early August morning.

I guess I just don't know what Just Right really is.
Just yet.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There's a First Time For Everything.

It's not you, it's me.
No, I'm lying. It's totally you.
I'm really really terrible at breaking up with people that I am dating. Notoriously terrible. I am a liar - I'll make up any excuse other than 'I just don't like you that much' in order to 'spare' their feelings. I'd rather say My dog died. I'm just not in a good place right now. (Obviously, I'd  be omitting the fact that my dog has been dead for plusorminus 3 years.) And it isn't just to spare their feelings; it's so much more selfish an act than that - I do it because I don't want to feel like an asshole.
So what do you say to someone who feels like they've finally 'found' their match after two dates? (his words, not mine.) In the past, I would have said nothing until the texting & phone calls dwindled down to nothingnadazipzilch. But, I'm trying to be a grown up about such things; and I think that the Man's Man deserves The Truth. But the Truth is - You came on too strong & I don't really like you that much.
What's the nicest way to say that? My sprained ankle has really put in a bad place right now. No? Anyone?
Beauty went on her first - and only - date with a surferSlashdoctor, and two days later was able to text him that she just wasn't feeling it. I was actually really envious that she was able to do that so easily - I've only gone on two dates with the dude and I have been putting off breaking it off with for longer than the time it took for us to go on two dates. I'm at a loss. I am resolved to do it today, via email. It's been a week since our second date, and obviously I'm a little more emotionally involved with someone else, much to my frustration.
Thankfully, midway through writing this, my phone rang. I peeked at the caller ID and answered,
Oh thank God! I need your help!
Goldi laughed, Oh you're writing the break up email to the Man's Man?
Sheknowsmesowell. So with some over-the-phone coaching, 'we' wrote a nice little paragraph simply stating that I felt more of a friend connection than a romantic one.
Sidenote: She totally wrote it for me. I just came up with the ending: I wish you the best. You're a total catch.  And in going over the past few months of casual dating (My Dutchman not included, I'm talking about the guys that I went on one or two - or 8, sorry B----, dates with) we realized that I have never once been honest in a break off. I've used macabre excuses, lame excuses, cowardly excuses to break it off; that is, if I gave them any excuse at all. I have a tendency not to call at all.
While I was still on the phone with her, I received his response.
Aaaaand... into the netting he fell.
A single line that read:
Ouch. I wish I could say I felt the same way.
To which Goldi congratulated me on my Very First Real, Honest Break Off. I feel like I deserve a gold star or something.

I still feel like an asshole, but at least I feel like an Honest Asshole.
Capital HA!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Playgrounds & Apartments; or Headaches, Ankle Sprains & the Hard-Headed.

I kept repeating to myself, to Goldi & to the doctor at Urgent Care,
I've really never been hurt before.
Obviously, I meant physically.

When I was eight, I bruised my tailbone on the car door. Don'taskmehow. When I was ten, a boy pushed me off the bars at recess and I fell off headfirst into the tanbark, ending up with a mild concussion. Around the same time, the taunts from the boys on the schoolyard ended up with both me and them in the Principal's office. I came home crying often, and my mother would tell me (as most mothers will),
Oh honey, they just tease you because they like you.

The above explanation was a flat out lie.

I was an awkward and scrappy little girl; these boys teased me because I did two things - I instigated it & I reacted to it. I made myself an easy target. It didn't help that my mother was a birthday party clown. A reeeeallly awesome birthday party clown. When I was eleven I broke my pinky finger on the front walk of our house. But since then, I haven't really been physically hurt. When I was eighteen, I finally had grown out of my awkward phase, and - lo & behold! - most of those boys who had once teased & taunted me were now taking a second look at me.
The headaches of playground politics were then replaced by the heartaches & heartbreaks of adulthood.

Let's rewind to last Thursday.
I was seated at a brightly lit table with Goldi at the new sushi place that replaced our old sushi place, when Goldi asked me to check my phone. When I did, I realized I had a text from her that she had sent me from across the table. Uh oh. The text itself was a single name; the name of a girl who may be the only girl in my tiny town that I truly despise. Forgoodreason. Let's call her 'Arika'. Now, Arika was sitting directly behind us trying to make eye contact while we tried to avoid it - easier for me as my back was to her. Goldi and I quickly hailed our waitress and requested a table change. The restaurant was packed, with a party of twenty and a party of twelve seated at the front but we didn't care - we moved up to the front near these two huge parties. We ordered sushi and wine and continued on with our dinner. Right before we were finishing up, I got up to use the restroom - once I was about halfway there I saw Arika herself going into the ladies room. Panicked, not wanting to be the next person in line behind her, I swiftly turned on my heel and hightailed it back to the table - aaaaaaaaaaand slipped, sliding towards our table, my ankle turned underneath me, and I fell back into my chair - in front of a packed house*.
Ankle throbbing, lower lip trembling & eyes watering - I looked at Goldi, and sobbed,
I think I sprained my ankle.
* And now, I have yet another reason to dislike this Arika girl - & I already disliked her a lot.
Sitting at the restaurant, icing an ankle that hurt like nothing I had ever felt before & unable to walk, I was surprised at my first thought: Apartment F. I tried to bury it from my mind.
Then Goldi asked,
Do you want me to call your neighbor in Apartment F?
Absolutely not. I replied, I am not calling him.
I got about halfway home, & realized that if I was going to get myself into my tiny room with a kitchen attached by myself I would have to crawl. And much to my chagrin, not only did I need help getting into my apartment, I wanted to call him; I wanted him with me. So, I broke down & dialed his number. There is something I should probably explain: the Big Sister that told you not to kiss your neighbors - yeeeaah, I didn't take my own advice.

 of Apartment B - our Resident Hoarder.
My girlfriend: How's the old guy in Apt B?
Me: Oh you know, usually drunk and pants-less.
Awhile back...
I had been at work all day and when I pulled into the parking lot of my complex, about half of the residents of my building were outside chatting each other up. Now, I am friendly with a couple of my neighbors but for the most part we keep to ourselves - or so I thought - so it was unusual for us all to be outside hanging out with each other BBQing & drinking wine. Even more unusual was that the cute neighbor from Apartment F was outside too - none of us had ever really talked to him other than to ask him to move his car or give a friendly 'Hello'. My neighbors all had quite a buzz going, all home from their respective Sunday Fundays - especially Apartment F. Okay, he was Drunk. Capital D. My next door neighbor, the outspoken Latina who lives in Apartment D, made a comment about how I only am friendly if I have been drinking, otherwise I am sort of cold and smug. Apartment E - the outdoorsy oddball who has a crush on me - agreed.
Great, I thought, in our Poor Man's Melrose Place - I'm the Resident Bitch in Apt C.
And if my building is the Poor Man's Melrose, that would make Apartment F the resident Mysterious Handsome New Guy. Later, sitting on - surprise! - the patio in front of my apartment the conversation turned to our ages.
This is a terrible topic of conversation to bring up with a drunk stranger I know, but it happened.
Apt F: How old are you?
Me in Apt C: Not a question you ask a lady.
Apt F: No but seriously, how old are you?
Apt C: How old do you think I am?  (Okay, perhaps I had a buzz going too. Worst possible response.)
He paused, looked intently at me and responded: Thirty seven.
Apt C: Are you serious?
Apt F: Yes.
Apt E: Duuuuuuude.
Apt F: Well, in that case you look a little weathered. Why aren't you married yet?
Apt C: Fuuuuuuck you.
And with that, I marched inside, slamming the door behind me. I immediately called my girlfriend who lives across the way and headed to her house in tears. She handed me a tissue, talked me down, & reassured me of his newly confirmed Resident Asshole status and after a good cry, I went home. When I got back, the building was quiet and dark as everyone had gone inside. I got out a piece of monogrammed card stock and wrote,
'Weathered' is not something you ever say to a person, whether you think it is true or not.
Neither is, 'Why aren't you married yet?'
You have my wine glass.
You can keep it.
- Apt C.
I left it on his truck and went to bed. The next morning, tucked into my driver's side window was a Shutterfly card with a photo of an Arizona bobcat on the front and an apology written on the inside.
Sidenote: I know it was an Arizona bobcat because that is what was written in little old lady cursive on the back. Honestly, I got a bigger kick out of the idea that this was the sort of cards he had on-hand in his tiny room with a kitchen attached; the kind your mother gives you 'just in case' while you roll your eyes, than the apology itself.
A few days later, I was sitting by myself on the patio smoking and reading my newest ELLE magazine and he walked by and asked if I had received his apology. I said yes and he assured me that he meant it.
Well it still hurt my feelings.
I'm sorry. It was stupid, and honestly, I was just projecting my own issues on you.
He walked out to the street, and got into his truck. I thought about what he said for for a second, and ran out to the street and motioned for him to roll down his window. He obliged.
I looked at him, smiled and said,
You are not weathered.
The following Friday, after I got home from a couple cocktails with my girlfriends, I marched upstairs, knocked on Apartment F's door and kissed him.

He told me later,
If you hadn't have done that I would have.
I've said it time and time again, I want what I can't have and I usually get what I want. Since then, I have willed myself not to fall for him. He is not what I am looking for. He is 36, and after a hard couple years, finally getting his life back on track. I have continued to go on dates with other people asyouknow. I have practically screamed from the rafters 'We are not together!' I have also accompanied him to BBQs with his childhood friends. I have opened up to him more than else I've dated. All the while refusing to admit that we are anything more than neighbors that kiss occassionally, let alone dating. He has met a few of my friends, and I have met several of his. He Skyped with my mother. We've hung out quite a bit, with accelerated frequency. He knows about my blog, but is not allowed to read it.
We are friends.
At the aforementioned BBQ with his childhood friends, someone asked us how we met & he said to his friend,
Straight up school yard style: I had a crush on her so I teased her. And it worked.
Maybe my mother wasn't so wrong after all.

And when I slipped and sprained my ankle, he was the first person I wanted to call.
And the last person I wanted to call.
And the person I did call.
And when I arrived home, in tears & in pain, he came down from Apartment F lifted me up & carried me into Apartment C.

I am totally the Resident Bitch in Apt C dating the Resident Handsome New Guy in Apt F in the Poor Man's Melrose Place.

We're not dating.
Sidenotes: Bijou has hung out with him several times - but the first time she ever met him, after he left she looked at me and straight up told me I needed to throw away my List because the dynamic between he and I was like nothing she had ever seen. I have been putting up this wall because I don't want to fall into a relationship with someone just for the sake of being in a relationship and I want certain things in a partner, and although some of them are a bit superficial. But what I am slowly coming to realize is that he has a good heart and I am not falling into a relationship with just for convenience. And neither is he. Apartment F was the basis for 'Checking It Twice'  and part of 'Paper Planes'. There was a crisis in our community last week, and as we watched it unfold of the news together, I couldn't have been more comforted by the fact that it was him I weas being comforted by. I have been stomping my foot, like a like a little girl on my own playground for weeks, screaming 'He is not my boyfriend!' And he's not. But for the first time, between the crisis & my ankle - I am becoming more open to the idea... And it's him who told me to 'stop fighting it' last night. Goddamn, I'm soabsolutelyfucking transparent.
Also, thank god I had both Goldi, Bijou, my Girlfriend Across the Way & Apartment F to take care of me this weekend, as I was bedridden and bedraggled.

The Man's Man did fall off the tightrope; although I haven't told him yet. I'm a coward.
Sidesidenotes: Arika is disliked because a college boyfriend of mine cheated on me with her, I found a note on the Englishman's dining room table from her thanking him 'for making her smile' and she hit on the Dutchman once before I met him aaand flagged us down on the street to (re)introduce herself as 'my overprotective big sister'. We are not friends, don't run in the same circles, and I just can't seem to shake her. If I had an archnemesis, it would be her. And now she's done and sprained my ankle.


I have been an F-ing fighter-pilot-warrior-princess lately.
Last night I said to him, I don't really know what This is, but I like it.
To which he responded, Me too. So stop fighting it.
He's on to me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ain't No Mountain High Enough.

I honestly think I would go insane(r) if I didn't have you.
I know I would go insane. Seriously.
We are lucky. Imagine if you didn't randomly sign up for the  jc summer school class.
I know that was 10 years ago. Crazy... We have 70 more years of being best friends!!
The summer I was nineteen - while still living in my hometown & attending a community college made of brick & covered in ivy -  I had to go to summer school as I had spent my first year out of high school and in possession of a driver's licence basically fucking around and working at the mall. I don't remember the specific class, but I walked in that first day in June and - lo & behold! - sitting in one of the desks was a very familiar face.
A very familiar face indeed, as I had technically known her since 2nd grade & we had gone to most of middle school, all of high school, and even a school trip to Europe together. I literally have memories of her from the playground, from Homecoming Rallies and from Sevilla.
But we had never really been Friends. Members of different however somewhat overlapping cliques in high school - hers was undeniably 'cooler' - we had gone to some of the same high school parties (including, but not limited to, a joint Sweet 16/ Happy 21st Birthday kegger), had had a few awkward exchanges, and a few random trips to the beach.
Cue: Um, why am I having a flashback of me and you and so&so&so&so eating cheesebugers in our bikinis at the beach? Was that a dream? Itwasnot. 
But there she was, tall & blonde & sitting in my community college summer school class - home for the summer and making up credits from her state school. It only made sense to carpool together as it was about an hour each way on a two lane highway through wine country. That summer, couped up together in my little red Subaru while listening to the same mix tape on repeat, we just Clicked, Capital C.
Her: Do you think I should change my foundation color now that I'm not tanning anymore?
Me: Yes.

Me: I don't know why everyone thinks I'm a snob.
Her: Probably because you wear Gucci sunglasses. (It was 2001.)
As the years went by she became the kind of friend that I could talk to about anything and everything. Months could go by without talking to each other- you know how life is - and once we got on the phone with one another, we wouldn't skip a beat. Her heart and mine, her mind and mine are so devastatingly similar in so many ways - and so different at the same time.
But we get it; we get each other.
Me: I feel like a slut.
Her: You're not a slut. Sluts don't exist after the age of 27.
Her: I just ate a jar of almond butter.
Me: It's okay, I ate a whole Hawaiian pizza last night. Out of pure loneliness.
Both of us in the throws of Saturn's Return, we know the silly and the sad for one another - from the simplest of style questions to celebrating our successes (and our falterings); without any filter, without any fear of judgement; we can laugh at ourselves. I know what 'stealing batteries' means and she knows what we'll reflect on when we're grandmothers. I can cry to her; I can send the most cryptic of text messages and she knows exactly what I mean. And vice versa. She holds me accountable in ways that no one else can. There have been times where physical distance & even emotional distance have put pause on our closeness, but when we have needed one another, really needed one another - distance and time haven't mattered. She tells me the truth & I give it right back to her.
If you get back together with him, he's going to ask you to marry him. And I know you will say yes. And if you say yes, you're going to end up divorced in five years.
Especially in this up & down emotional roller coaster that has been my life for the past year - whenever I am feeling like I've gone absolutelyfucking Crazy, that something is missing or about to just totally lose it - I usually find myself thinking,
God, it's been awhile since we spoke...
Mt. San Francisco.
 Location: Saturn.
My Godmother, my mother's best friend of thirty years - the Best Friend that she called 'Sis' - a dynamic, magical woman who knew my dynamic & magical mother inside and out, passed away this year.
I still and probably always will choke up when I think of her not being somewhere in this world; she was to my mother as my Best Friend in San Francisco is to me - My very best friend in the world.

In our lives, I believe the people who love us form a quarry around us, they are the rocks that make up the landscape of our lives - and I know I say it ad naseum - but I am blessed to have many rocks. I am lucky in this life to have amazing friends all around, to have a beautiful quarry, to have and have had many best friends - each one of them brings something amazing & spectacular to my life. The landscape of my world is a beautiful one.
And I know I am blessed to have many Rocks, but she is my Boulder.

Sidenote: If the community college gods are listening, thank you for whatever class it was that you allowed that other girl to enroll a week late in the semester.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Under the Big Top.

...I kind of want you all to myself. FYI: this is me playing hard to get, super suck at it.
Uh oh, I thought, when I received that text last night right before I was heading to bed.

If our lives  are like a Circus - I know mine is most of the time - then relationships are the like trapeze duo, your family and friends are the clowns and dating is... the heart pounding, nerve wracking Tightrope Act. In the first days of courting, it's like a delicate balancing act of dynamics, of timing, chemistry, chemistry and timing - it can take something as little as one off the cuff statement, small aspect of your personality or weird facial expression, and you lose your footing - You fall off. Or they do.

Life is the Greatest Show on Earth.

So, ladiesandgentlemen... Last night was my Second Date with the Man's Man - and he's great. We have the same sense of humor and a nice rapport. We actually say things in unison, we have the same random reference points. Often, we text each other the same exact thing at the same time.
The top text was actually followed by: "Good Night. Capital G."
He even writes like me!
Okay, the above text actually read: "Good Night Luv. Capital G".
Sway to the right.
Last night, on a beautiful candle lit patio, he was a perfect gentleman. Steady now.

steady? no.
Yet all I could hear was the FutureTalk. (As in, 'I would love to go to New Orleans with you' or 'I don't expect I'll be going on first dates' and 'from here on out' or 'next time' or 'in the future' or 'in the future' or 'in the future'...) Whoa whoa whoa buddy. Sway to the left. Now, admittedly, I can be a little hot and cold when it comes to dating - I either know right away that The Spark is there or I know it's not. I try and give some people the benefit of the doubt - I've more than once told myself, Well, maybe it's just a slow build --- And they're so nice, and sweet, I'll just give them a chance. The problem is, if it isn't there initially, it never develops - for me at least. I've never had a relationship with someone I was platonic friends with at first & I've never fallen for someone who didn't make my stomach do backflips at first sight or at the very least, first kiss. And I do like him, but... yeahnotsomuch.
When I met my Dutchman, that very first night when he said to me, 'I'm going to fall in Love with you in the next two days aren't I?' I didn't panic. I simply said 'Yes.' But last night when the Man's Man implied that he didn't forsee himself going on any more first dates, I shuttered. Which is prettttty indicative of how I feel about him, dontchathink?
Insert: gasping audience at extremely wobbly tightrope walker.
The way he looked at me from across that candle lit table last night is exactly how I imagine I probably looked at my Aussie on our second date, when I was thinking to myself, If this man is who he presents himself to be, then I could very easily fall in love with him.
Last night I was not looking at the Man's Man with those eyes. I was looking at him, having a very nice time and thinking, "You should have listened to your cousin when she told you to at least attempt to play a little hard to get."
It just isn't under this circus tent.
You know the feeling...
That dizzying yet beautiful moment at the end of the tightrope walk where you look down to Earth, your heart flutters and you realize you've made it safely to the other side?
I have to be honest with myself... I don't think that my Man's Man is going to make it there on this try.
Hopefully his tightrope came equipped with a safety net.
Mine did.

Sidenotes: I may go on one more date with him, not sure. I do like him, it's just apparent to me that the amount of 'liking' happening is unbalanced.
We'll see. Regardless, it's a good thing I've got my clowns.

Updated: Upon further reflection, I have come to a conclusion about why the Spark isn't there with the Man's Man -- He is basically the boy version of me. If I pumped iron. Its like sitting across from a brother. Which is nice, buuuut I'm not looking to date my brother. Thank God, because that would be weird.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Second Date Tonight with the Man's Man.
I recently heard someone say that if two people have Chemistry, then the only other thing that is important is Timing. How true.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Algebra 101 at 320 Main.

949: Know anything about the Butterfly Effect?
Me: Yes. Why? Exactly what kind of taco are you eating!?!
949: I just didn't know a girl in your tiny town could say something so cute and affect the stomach of a guy in Newport. Not sure how the physics work.
Me: That's less quantum physics and more of a physical reaction. Just sayin'.*
949: Definitely need to set up something soon before the space/time continuum gets all jacked.
Me: Or Ashton Kutcher gets involved.
*This girl may or may not have given butterflies to someone much farther away than Newport Beach. Just sayin'.
So, at the threat of messing with Chaos Theory, we made a date.
That date being Friday Night. As in, last night.
For the first time, in a long time, I had a promising date with an American. Gasp! I mean, B---- was an American man, but gave off a total Zippy-German vibe - between the black velvet blazers, stoic air about him & the black BMW two seater, he was quite the unAmerican American. This was a first date with an OC-native, rugby playing, iron pumping Man's Man. So, in light of it being a First Date with a New Guy lets do some New Math. Left Brainers rejoice! Now, if I wrote down on paper the mathematical formula for a first date it would read something like:

f+m/(longitude &latitude)= x.

And you thought algebra would never come in handy.

With x always being the outcome of the date - or the dependent variable in the formula, with the other variables f, m, and longitude & latitude being the independent variables as they can take on different values freely - they can be any  female (f), male (m) & any longitude and latitude - er, location. (This is the straight version mind you, the formula can be tweaked further for same sex couples. Aaah, you get the idea.)
Our independent variables for this first date are: 
 f = Me! Well, me after a day of primping, hair trimming, self tanning, nail painting and one panicked call to Bijjou where I screamed, fuckfuckfuck I bleached my gums and have to cancel!
m = Him! An impressively statured Man's Man who could work tacos, quantum physics, and Texts From Last Night into twenty minutes of conversation. But this Man's Man was also a gentleman, one who stood up when I excused myself to the restroom, and pulled out my chair for me when appropriate. One who also told a joke about amniotic fluid.
(longitude & latitude) = A booth my favorite dimly lit restaurant one town over followed by an impromtu visit to a little wine bar down the street.
So in last night's case, my very scientific and mathematically sound
Quantified First Date Formula would read:

Girl's Girl + Man's Man/ (chophouse & wine bar) = x.

And... after several hours of stimulating conversation - errrr, I mean, several hours of intense mathematical conversion - and a few flights of Chilean wine and some delicious Manchengo cheese (and some not so delicious pork belly appetizers)... We had arrived at our answer:

x = xoxo

He ended the date with, I am frighteningly attracted to you.
Which ain't such a bad thing ifyouaskme.

So, in Layman's terms, it went preettttty fantastic. After I returned home, I recieved a text message from him that read,
Thank you for the bookend to my worst date ever. Let me know you got home safe.
Now all I have to do is figure out the formula for