Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Better Than Stuffing (Or, Why My Life is Pretty Full).

Dear Goldi,
You are my anchor in this tiny town. As our lives have changed over the last year, I have been blessed to have you on the same classy crusade.

Dearest Best Friend in San Francisco,
Thank you for making me feel sane even at my craziest.
And for protecting me from so far away.

To My Mother,
Thank you for having that title.

To my Aussie,
You are the one who got away. But I am thankful for you teaching me the definition of Gentleman.

Dear Uncle Jay,
I should write more. I love you.

Thank you for being my inspiration and my sounding board. You are so wise.
You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I know you know you deserve as much and more.

To Honey,
Though you don't read this & I recognize it is you on the phone because you're screaming at other drivers, but thank you for listening when I talk. And valuing my words.

Dear Apt F,
(eye roll).

Thank you for asking questions. That and I have watched you grow in so many ways this year & love seeing you be the strong and independent woman I know you are. Sans Beast.

To my Malibu Badass,
This past year I have seen you achieve greatness. Do not regret your decisions, but focus on the many many leaps and bounds you have made this year; please know that sitting across the table from me the other night was a self assured and articulate Woman that has come so far in a short amount of time.

To Evy,
Thank you for reading. Thank you for your friendship with my mother. For some reason, when I write I feel like I am talking to you. I don't know why, but I do.

Dear Nancy,
I miss knowing you're out there.
I wish you were reading too.
I think you'd be proud.

Dear Dad,
I love you.
I tell you but don't show you nearly enough.

To my Best Friend in SF #2,
Don't let the 2 throw you, because you know as well as I do, that when I talk about the few friends who stuck by me before, during and after the Ex I am speaking to you. I think that what you are doing is so so so commendable, and that you will find - in time - as I believe you already are, that the City suits you, that I love you and that you are deserving of the best.

My Dutchman,
If you weren't Dutch, you'd be The One. Thank you for the snapshot of my Perfect Life in August.
You were perfect, but it was my friends who showed me that my life is perfect-er.

To my Little Sisters,
I am proud of both of you. We are so alike in so many ways. See: My Mother.

To my Flame Haired Favorite,
I love watching The Good Things happen to a Good Person.
I am thankful that that Good Person is in my life.
Thank you for being the litmus test for every guy I date.
I would do the same, but you don't need one.

To my Anchoring ex-Shopgirls,
Watching the two of you grow up & become mothers & wives has been a blessing. Not only that, but it was you two who I first let in - for the first time in my entire life - as Older Sisters. Without you two, I probably wouldn't have the ability to have such relationships in general; I am too stubborn. Your words stick with me more than you know.

Hey hey, Sugar Sugar,
Thank you for the home-cooked meals. Without you, I would have noneZerozipzilch.
Your son, your sugared almonds and your presence in general has been a wonderful gift to me, and I adore you.
You can borrow that sweater.

Dear Brad Pitt,
I have to decline your proposal of marriage. My apologies.

To The One With the Bangs,
Thank you for giving me the courage to continue doing this.
From the very beginning.

To my Ex-Shopgirl Now Good Friend,
Your insights have helped me through the darkest times.
I love how our friendship has evolved.

Dear the Ex's Sister,
My heart will always be hiding in the cupboard with you.
No matter what cupboard it is - You will always think of me when you look in there.

Dear Client/Soul Sister of Sorts,
I am thankful for You. And your voicemails. But mostly you.

To my Boss,
I love our little world too.

To Fanny and Boris' (Teenaged) Mother,
Thanks for being the Older Sister I never had.
Like really though -You let me borrow your car.
And secretly know I'm cooler than you. Like any older sister does.
(Did I mention I have two younger sisters. I know these things.)

To everyone else who reads this,
I hope you are as thankful as I am for the people you make your life as wonderful as it is.
Because life is short.
And it is wonderful.

If I could compare friendship to cannibalism for justonesecond:

You are what you eat.
And I eat well.

Nom nom nom.


  1. I heart you!! To sound crazy as I am I know our friendship
    has spanned lifetimes. Thank you for being a HUGE
    part of my life. Happy Thanksgiving you beautifully talented spirit.unfortunately, due to my current state of overserved - I am in a state of underspelled (no spell check)

  2. I'm assuming you were overserved turkey?

    Not (gasp) Sangria or the like?!?

    Eeek. I hope you had the same 'competitive spirit' today as you did with me & the box of marshmellos. xx
