Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The New Girl.

The first day of a new job is like the first day at a new high school.
"Celebrating WASP Style'.
A celebration I would never
 get an invite for.
And admittedly, this first day - with this specific company - I was (and still am) extremely out of my element. Many of the other single line stores that I applied and interviewed for, I at least had some background knowledge about, simply from working in my old shop & helping out with the buy. This designer is so far from my own aesthetic and frame of reference that I felt like a deer in the headlights a little bit. Whereas my usual uniform consists of leather shorts and a denim mechanic's shirt, this designer is more of the Ladies Who Lunch With  a Bit of Whimsy.
In fact, I was instructed to perhaps invest in some 'cute cardigans from Forever 21'.
Cute Fitted Cardigans From Forever 21?!?
What have I gotten myself into?
Fitted Cardigans?
How am I supposed
to put a fitted cardigan
over this?
I've been so spoiled with my old shop, from being part of a family to knowing everything from where the stapler is to what the buyer picked out from a designer months in advance to who is who who walks in the door; so, to be just totally new, and new sans new cardigans; I definitely feel a little overwhelmed.
But at least I know that the first day of any job feel like that. I felt the same way when I started my job at the shop and my job before that at a jewelry store in Santa Monica. But, I guess, the reality is - its not just that I feel like a fish out of water because I'm new, I also feel like I am totally out of my element because I am.
I'm learning to sell clothing to the Ladies Who Lunch but identify a bit more with the Young Women Who Brunch. 
(Or, at least, the Ladies Who Want To Look Like Young Women Who Brunch.) I do have faith though that I'll learn the ropes it's just so daunting on your first day.
Also, of course, being as nervous as I was for my 'First Day of School', I totally forgot to put on deodorant.
So, I was - as I put it as I was promising to remember to apply generously today - the 'Stinky New Girl'.
Though, the girls were nice & assured me that at no point did they notice.
So, the upside is, everyone seems very nice.
Even when I secretly smell.

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