Monday, July 11, 2011

Hide 'n Go Seek (Otherwise Known as Monday)

I don't know why this happens, but almost every Monday I go into uberhide-out mode. Maybe its the reality of the new week setting in, or perhaps just coming down off the weekend, or just a need for a little peace and quiet... Come Monday night, I'm avoiding phonecalls, or not making them at all (I'll call you tomorrow, Mom), and I just want to be home. My house is usually a mess Mondays - I say "house" but really its a room and a kitchen. Well, and a bathroom too - albeit one so small I can't fit a trashcan in it. On weekends, its a room for me and my girlfriends to primp in - I should probably just refer to it as a dressing room... Or a wine cellar, for that matter. But on Mondays... it's my own little hideout. Well, mine & Kat Moss' hideout. But, I guess, that's a good thing for an apartment to be... It's my refuge, my hideout, my dressing room, my wine cellar.
It's my home.
And I can't complain too much, it does have a beach on both sides.
That and... I stumbled across this while well, hiding out... which then turned into three hours of me googling decor inspirations for my room with a kitchen attached. A couch perhaps? A table? Maybe somewhere - anywhere - to sit!? Naaaah...
Which then turned into this:
zee Dressing Room? Oui s'il vous plaît.

Monday at my house.
+ about dozen pair of shoes.
Also, I have clothes on.

I especially like turquoise + orange.
Goldi: Gerber Daises.

The veiw from my couch bed.
Sometimes I am surprised by my love of florals.
Goldi: Almond Blossom

I feel as though my hideout could use a hint of yellow.
Which reminds me of something else yellow...
I need to remember to drink more water.

So here - as per the uuush on Monday - I'm Hiding. Blogging. Picture Hunting. Trying to Get Inspired. Whining. Wineing. A little alone, technically a lot alone, but goes with the hiding - but mostly content. Life in my little hideout can be a little odd at times, not everything is perfect, but for the most part life is good. Reeeeal good.
& it feels good to feel good hiding out at home. 
Of course, now I want to redecorate.

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