Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, the Answer Used to Be 'A Bird'.

So verrrrry nice to meet you.
In addition to my best friends in my tiny town and my Best Friend(s) in San Francisco, I also have a Best Friend in France. Actually, she isn't in France anymore, but for clarification's sake, that's still how I refer to her as she lived there for a couple years.
In college, she and I roamed the streets of LA with all the entitlement of two twenty two year olds that didn't know any better. Both brunettes - we likened ourselves to the blonde Chloe girls that were all over the magazines back then. We introduced ourselves as the Crown Princesses of Belgium with our hands extended for a kiss, rubbed shoulders with handsome heirs, and got into Trouble. Capital T. We got into even more Trouble when we were joined by my Best Friend in San Francisco. What a trio we were, I tell you.
And, when people asked the two of us what we wanted to be when we grew up, our answer was always, 'An Icon.'
(Admittedly, we were kind of total bitches. But it was fun.)
As we've grown older, and more mature (wellonecanonlyhope) - we still joke about being Icons. Capital I. A la Lauren Hutton, the Olsens, Kate Moss, Goldie Hawn or Gwen Stefani.
I have the icons of a 16 year old circa 2003.
Um... Why are all my icons blonde?

And the icons of a 15 year old circa 1993.
So what do I want to be when I grow up, you ask? Well, the answer hasn't changed much.
I want to be an Icon. And an astronaut. And a good person. Oh hell, I don't know.
I want to be a grown up. And an Icon.

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